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Prof Chris Budd, Director of Knowledge Exchange, and Dr Cangxiong Chen, Mathematical Innovation Research Associate, will represent IMI and Maths4DL during Evidence Week at the Houses of Parliament which begins on Monday 20 January.

With colleagues from the University of Bath, University of Cambridge and University College London, they will hold policy-briefing sessions for MPs and Peers on Wednesday 22 January.

During these session, they will showcase research from IMI and Maths4DL that enhances our understanding of deep learning, and improves the trustworthiness of artificial intelligence (AI), allowing policy makers to utilise scientific evidence to guide their policy-making related to AI.

Prof Budd and Dr Chen will demonstrate how maths can help resolve issues when deep learning is applied to real-world problems such as ensuring data privacy, and detecting deep fakes.

They will also highlight some of ways that deep learning can be applied in the contexts of performing medical diagnosis, modelling climate, and decision making.

For further details about the event and for more information about the team taking part, please visit: