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IMI Academic Fellowships

About our fellowships

An IMI Academic Fellowship offers the opportunity to accelerate your research ambitions where mathematical innovation plays a fundamental underlying role.  Fellowship holders are offered:

  • Priority access to IMI internal funding and sponsorship including grant enhancements.
  • First notification of consultancy opportunities.
  • Administrative support and IMI merchandise for IMI-linked workshops & symposia.
  • Highlighting of projects on the IMI website.
  • Research development support for proposals that include MIRA time.
  • Workspace for project collaborators.

How to become a fellow

Fellowships are invited positions offered for an initial tenure of 18 months in recognition of an individual’s engagement with IMI.   To be invited, an individual would need to cost/fund MIRA time on an externally funded project for a minimum of:

  • 0.25 FTE for projects up to 12 months
  • 0.20 FTE for projects up to 36 months
  • 0.15 FTE for projects over 36 months

Grant enhancements

Current IMI Academic Fellows are able to apply for research proposal support in the form of a grant enhancement at any time.  To do this you should complete a support request at least four weeks prior to the grant submission deadline.  For full criteria and details of how to apply, please got to our grant enhancements page.

Current fellows