IMI Grant Enhancement Scheme
Eligibility, who can apply
- Current IMI Academic Fellows are able to apply for research proposal support in the form of a grant enhancement at any time.
- IMI Academic Fellows may submit one application per grant proposal.
How to apply
Requests should be submitted via a support request form at least four weeks prior to grant submission deadline.
Value of award
IMI Academic Fellows can request a cash contribution of 10% of the grant overhead coming to Bath up to £30,000.
Scope of the scheme
This funding should be used towards activities that cannot normally be costed into the proposal. The grant enhancement can be used for additional MIRA time costed at 100% full economic costing (FEC). Please note that one month of MIRA time at FEC equates to approximately £12,500.
A project with overheads of £500,000 (to Bath), can request £30,000 in grant enhancement. If used for MIRA time, this equates to approximately 2.4 months of additional MIRA time.
Further questions
If you have any questions about the grant enhancement scheme, please contact us.